Tuesday, March 31, 2009

After the Concert

This is the last shot I got after Malcomb Holcombe's house concert a few weeks ago. Thanks Malcomb for a great evening!

This is nod to my friend Snapper's ( Gabriola DP)  fine,  fine series of musician's hands!

A WONDERFUL SURPRISE YESTERDAY:  My dear friend Mary Gilbert phoned me as she was leaving for Paris yesterday.  She called from BUSINESS CLASS, ( how divine) right before they took off.  I think I heard champagne corks popping! Bon voyage mon amie!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Play Ball!

We've been to Rickwood Field on many occassions ( here, here and here!).  I would say this is the last post,  but I can't be sure I won't go back and get some new photos.  By now you all know it's America's Oldest Baseball Park,  and I guess the seats are starting to look a bit worn.  But come to think of it,  shiny, new seats would just be wrong!

*  Yesterday I had some clever viewers who tried to guess where that photo was taken.  The answer is .....Mountain Brook - Birmingham's most upscale suburb.  It was shot behind two recent posts: Charlotte Woodson Antiques and Gilchrist!!!  I'm including a photo of the block where the alley is located.  

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Smoking in the Alley - Table/Chairs Series III

Not the usual fare from BADP. My producer/manager cautioned against using it in fact, but since when do I listen to his good advice?  That,  coupled with a low inventory gave me the courage to post this photo. I am fairly certain that not one of my Birmingham readers will know where this "lovely" spot is located. Want to guess anyone? I'll post the location tomorrow!

( Uh yes, I fiddled with the soft focus a little,  just for fun.  This is a nod to my friend JB at Mainz, Germany  Daily Photo who would call this an "arty farty" shot! )

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Have a Seat- Table/Chair Series III

#3 in my  *"Table and Chairs Series" this week can be found at Chez Fonfon French bistro in Birmingham's Five Points South area.  We spent several days here  last September when my friends flew off to La Bonne Etoile and I was suffering major French envy.  

* Merci Kim at Seattle DP for the idea of making this week's offerings into an ongoing series.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sole Man II

Some of you might remember my trip to the Goodyear Shoe Hospital last summer. You met Andrew then. I was prowling around in the archives and found this photograph that I'd forgotten about. I love the way his hands are illuminated by the small light on his machinery. That reminds me that maybe I need to pay Andrew another visit!

Our friend Kim (Seattle DP) suggested I might have started a Table and Chairs series this week. Well you know, she might be onto something!  I have a few more that I'll post in the next week.  Thanks Kim.  I'm always game for something new around here!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

La table par la fenêtre- Table/Chair Series II

We have visited Continental Bakery here and here.  They bake the most wonderful breads and pastries and the shop is oozing with French charm.  I enjoyed an enormous chocolat croissant and coffee here while photographing it yet again from every angle.  

Three Very Special Treats for Me Yesterday:  I picked up the phone and it was our  Bibi from Belgrade calling!  How wonderful to hear her voice and be able to have a long chat. We swapped books and websites and had a grand time learning more about each other.  It just made my day!  I also got to talk with my dear friend Mary in Cincinatti who is leaving for Paris on Monday. I am so thrilled for her and can hardly wait for her tales of all the cemeteries she will be visiting !!  Lastly, for all of you who have been so interested in Lilly's progress, check out her blog and see for yourself!!!!! 

( Alas, I have been homebound since my car is in the shop $$$$$ YIKES!)

Got Brie???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bottle Tree

I visited Park Lane Flowers in English Village yesterday and hit pay dirt!  Not only did I get to photograph this lovely window display, but I met a new friend who had been to Paris in December.  She was here from New Mexico visiting family,  and we had such a nice visit over coffee and croissants next door at Continental Bakery .  I love this window because it reminds me of an abstract stained glass window!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Soda Fountain Minus the Drugstore- Table /Chair Series I

I think you will agree that most of the drugstores, with the wonderful old soda fountains, are a dying breed.  Around here the family owned drugstores shed their fountains years ago and have now sold out to the big chains.  Well this is one for the books....Gilchrist Drugs in Mountain Brook Village.  Gilchrist has been in the same spot for 82 YEARS!!!  The drugstore is long gone, there's not a sign of an aspirin or a band-aid,  but the soda fountain remains and does a booming breakfast and lunch business.  And at about 3:05 every weekday, the school crowd takes over.  Sandwiches, hot dogs, salad plates and even tomato aspic top the menu.  Real shakes and malts are mixed up before your eyes, but the hand squeezed limeades are what they are famous for.  I had lunch at the counter just yesterday. Friendliest staff you'll ever want to meet.  Looks like Gilchrist will be around for another 82!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Faces of the Japan-America of Alabama's Festival

Meet some of the interesting people we met on Saturday at the Japan-America of Alabama's
 event at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Carp Diem!

Forgive me,  I am so sorry , but I couldn't stop myself!    I visited the Japanese- Americ Society Alabama's Festival at the Japanese Gardens yesterday, and they had this wonderful pool of carp on display!  What a beautiful day it was.  The Birmingham Botanical Gardens parking lot was FULL.   Apparently everyone in Birmingham wanted to get outside and see the cherry blossoms in bloom and take advantage of the beautiful spring weather.  Today, two images from my visit. More to come of course!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

No Mow

Today's photo is one that instantly evokes memories of my childhood.  I spent summers in North Little Rock, Arkansas with my grandparents.  From the time I could reach the handles of the "push mower" my granddaddy, who I called Big Daddy ( it doesn't get more southern than that!) , had me helping with the mowing.  I didn't look on it as a chore, rather a rite of passage. I was finally big enough to help him!  I spotted this handle-less mower at Sweet Peas and actually have photographed it many, many times.  Spring has arrived and summer will be here before we know it.   Such sweet memories of summers gone by.

There's a Tune du Jour!  I had this in draft form so Tony Bennett can croon 
" For Once in My Life" , one of my favorites!

Discover Tony Bennett!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tonight's Line- Up

It's almost baseball season.  How do I know?  Because I have seen the wee tiny tots out "practicing" when I walk every afternoon.  I promise I will take my camera and capture some of the "Baby Ruths" one day soon.  

Today, a shot of my friend Connor that I took at Rickwood Field.  Some of you may remember that I have shared other photos from Rickwood, here and here.  It's America's Oldest Baseball Field and we are quite proud of it.  It has been lovingly preserved down to the vintage signs on the outfield fencing.  The Friends of Rickwood Field have done a nice job of keeping it up to par.  Maybe we'll see Connor play there one day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Through the Doorway

This is yet another "couldn't leave without the photo" moment.  I was leaving Kevin Irwin's studio a few weeks ago,  and I was parked in front of Irwin Brothers' Remodeling, her husband's office space downstairs.  See for yourself the image that made me get out of my car and shoot some photos through the sidelights of the beautiful vintage doors. Oh, and the lady in the window?  Kevin tells me her grandmother made it.  The talent must run in the family!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where's the Fire???

Well I've been wanting to visit a fire station forever.  Yesterday I stopped by the Mountain Brook Fire Station No. 1 in Crestline.  They were happy to have me poke around but didn't want to be photgraphed. Well,  we'll just see about that on my next trip, don't fret.  They were nice enough to offer to pull the truck out for me, but I couldn't ask them to do all that!  Here's what I got.  I just love the flag that hangs above each truck!  Don't worry, I'll catch some "100 Strangers" next time,  and you can bet there will be grandchildren involved, too!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meet the Artist - Kevin Irwin

I've made you wait long enough.  We've roamed around her studio, sat on her back porch and taken tons of photos.  Now it's time to meet this artisitic wonder woman! I've seen her work first hand and still find it hard to believe that one artist can produce such fanciful clay pieces, intricate glass objects, delicate jewelry , not mention such colorful paintings!  Doesn't seem fair that one person can have that much talent does it?  

Today Kevin is shown with some of the whimsical pieces that were recently on display all over the Wiregrass Museum in Dothan, AL.  She's partial to cats but there are squirrels, dragons, and even an octopus hanging out in her studio.  We'll be back. There's way too much left to see.

Naughty squirrels hogging the chocolate chip cookies

                                                                       Cleo, studio guard dog!

Octopus catching some rays

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Ballerina

This exquisite bronze in the Sculpture Garden at the Birmingham Museum of Art has fascinated me for months.   I have photographed her from every angle and at almost every time of day. Nothing I shot seemed to do her justice.  I had almost given up, but Saturday I tried once again. This time,  I found a new perspective.  Maybe it was the raindrops.  I think I'm finally satisfied!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Urban Silhouette

Let's just stay downtown. This is sunset photographed from Kevin Irwin's studio back porch on 2nd Avenue South.  I like silhouette shots and rarely can pull one off.  For one a power pole is a nice addition!

* Jump on over to our friend Peter's blog today.  Dusty Lens and I have the honor of being Peter's guest photographers today.

Her mom has a blog so you can keep up with her progress here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stairway to.......First Avenue?

Historic Morris Avenue, in downtown Birmingham,  is one quaint cobblestoned place.  This stairway  leads to Birmingham's First Avenue North.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bunnies and Kittens and Lilly, Oh My!

Many of my longtime readers will remember this precious child.  Last October,  I featured my dear friends' daughter Lilly right before she had her first cochlear implant at Children's Hospital. We are so very thankful that she has hearing in that ear now!  Yesterday her mommy asked me to take more photos before her second surgery scheduled for today.  I am blessed.   Lilly, we are praying for you and send all of our love your way!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

After the Rain

The week before the "blizzard", we had 24 hours of pouring rain and thunderstorms.  When it finally let up I took a long walk and then stopped by the Botanical Gardens to check on "spring".  Everything was dripping wet,  and I enjoyed trying to capture it all. 
Please click on each photo and enlarge to catch the raindrops for yourself!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clickety Clack....Don't Talk Back!

A side trip to Charlotte Woodson Antiques, in Mt. Brook Village after my walk yesterday was yet another treasure trove for me.  I ended up spending about 2 hours with Dinah, the delightful owner, talking about France of course, and photographing so many lovely things in her beautiful shop. This is why I LOVE doing this blog. I meet so many interesting, friendly people!!!  Today,  her mint condition Corona.  Isn't it just the best? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Red Hot Chili Cook-Off

The Chef!

Saturday I stopped by the Exceptional Foundation's Chili Cook-Off at Homewood Park.  The Exceptional Foundation holds a special place in my heart. Many of our Shades Cahaba's kids have been a part of this wonderful program,  and I was pleased to support their fundraiser. What a well run , fun event this was. Many groups in town participated, and I tasted WAAAAYYYY too many of the great recipes!  

The Four Amigos

The Davis Cup Dudes

Monday, March 9, 2009

Singing the Blues

Saturday Night I had the pleasure of attending a concert right here in my neighborhood.  My friends the Izards, hosted  Malcolm Holcombe in their home as part of the Small Stages concerts. For a nominal fee  ( a portion of which goes to the host's favorite charity) you bring your own chair and beverage, and  get to enjoy a great evening of musical  entertainment. Malcolm Holcombe, a funky,  bluesy singer, was the featured musician.  I'll have to admit I was a little skeptical.  However, my blog friends Wayne and Bob have been trying to push me out of my musical "box" so I thought I'd give Malcolm a whirl.  Whooo eeeeee! He was something else!  I stayed to the bitter end and had some fun. Thanks to the Izards and Malcolm for helping me spread my musical wings.  I'll be at their next home concert for sure!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's That Time!!

  As many of you remember, this time last Sunday I was running all over my yard photographing Birmingham's big snowfall!  Well here we are a week later,  and the temperatures are in the 70's. What's  more fun when the weather warms up than taking your shoes off and getting your piggies in the nearest fountain!  I caught this brother and sister doing just that on Friday at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.  The joys of springtime!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


STARS - la tour Eiffel

Once in a blue moon I participate in the prestigious Two Things Challenge.  I am always so pleased with myself when I can......  1. Figure out what the 2 THINGS CHALLENGE is for the week  2. Can find something to enter!  Well today it's a titch of a stretch but I am happy to be part of Team 2 Things again!  Stars and Stripes is our theme this week.  My stars is none other than the fabulous Eiffel Tower resplendent with the stars signifying the European Union.  The stripes is the bamboo forest in the afternoon sunlight at the Japanese Gardens

To see how other bloggers interpreted this theme click here.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Let's Sit on the Porch!

Don't laugh.  It's almost porch sittin' weather down here.  I'm lucky enough to have a patio that is fine in the spring and fall.  Summer tends to be a bit "buggy".  Those folks blessed with screened porches get a lot of company in the summer months!  This little porch is on the back of Kevin Irwin's studio near downtown Birmingham.  Wednesday evening when we were enjoying wine and cheese there , it was nice enough to have the doors open.  I'm trying out that rocker on my next visit.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sunset Reflections

City Federal Building

These sunset photographs were taken from my very talented artist friend, Kevin Irwin's studio near downtown Birmingham. The top photo is the City Federal Building in the distance. The reflection you see is Kevin's studio. The bottom photo is the old Liberty National Building on southside. Kevin hosted our Cliff Road Women's group yesterday afternoon. I am fortunate to be a part of this interesting, diverse and fun group of women from my neighborhood. Everyone had a grand time touring the studio and oohhing and aahing over her amazing artwork. You've already been to her studio here. We'll be back. I have tons of photos.

Liberty National Building