*Today we bid Jean au revoir. I'm so glad she included some Gulf Coasts shots. My favorite place to be ( besides right here in Paris that is). What a terrific guest photographer/blogger she's been. Merci beaucoup mon amie!
My best friend from high school has a condo on the Gulf of Mexico at Orange Beach, Alabama. (We Alabamians are very proud of our beautiful sugary-white sand beaches!) Jo’s condo has been the site for many reunions and girl get-togethers. This April Jo hosted a get together, and I couldn’t pass up this photo looking down from her balcony where Jo and Dee were resting poolside. Below is the spectacular view beyond!
Jean Reed - Guest Photographer
très bonne idée sur la première photo, j'adore
very good idea on the first photograph, I love
Wow, those ladies have dark tans! They must have really stood out on the white beaches!
I'm glad you included your two very very special friends today and the view of that beautiful Gulf water and powedery white sand is just gorgeous.
THanks for subbing, the checks in the mail! Now I'm zipping over to Wayne's and see if his new URL is working today.
FYI, Wayne's new URL is http://meanderinginlotusland.blogspot.com
He'll appreciate a visit from you since you love Vancouver so much!
Don't tell too many people. You don't want to happen there what happened here.
Ah, this is what friends are for!
I've just returned from another visit with Jo at the beach. Now that it's summer and school is out, the beach is covered with umbrellas, tents,and volleyball games and LOTs of humans! It is such a gorgeous place to be to enjoy the summer sun, beautiful water, and fine white sandy beaches!
I like that top shot and not for the most obvious reason.
As Virginia is in Paris, I had no idea this blog was being updated... Wonderful photos too! Congratulations, Jean, on your great work! :-)
Delightful, Gal Pal!
Aloha from Waikiki
Great job...taking Virginia's place....Love the both shots today.
Jean, We'll miss you and your beautiful pics. Boy oh boy that Virginia knows how to pick her friends. Two "fill ins" and both have done superb jobs. Please "sub" again sometime - love your "stuff".
You obviously like photography, then check this out!
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