Well a week from today, we'll be making the grand voyage. It's seemed like so far in the future and now that it's almost here, I'm shifting into packing panic mode. Why couldn't I have a hobby that required less "equipment"??? Embroidery would be good. All you need is some thread, a needle and a piece of fabric. Art? Well just by a museum pass, queue up at the Louvre and you're covered. No, I chose photography. This trip it's 3 lenses, a TRIPOD ( I'm sick of blurry night photos and I'm sure you are too), not to mention memory cards, card reader, discs, thumb drives, extra battery and the charger, photography books to read on the plane and on and on....... I may end up with one change of clothes as a result but rest assured all 12 scarves are GOING!!!
Today I unashamedly show off my collection of la tour Eiffel. Some are Christmas ornaments that I couldn't bear to pack away, others I've bought here and in Paris. I'm certain there are more in my future. I hope I have room in my suitcase to bring them home. If not, I'll ditch that extra change of clothes!