Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Kiss
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Up On the Roof
Hanna Antiques has been around for a long time. They feature showrooms from 35 dealers. I love the urns on the tiled roof, and one day last week the sky was so blue, I had to circle the block and get out and take a few shots.
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's Still Snow Cone Weather
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Shine On

Today he's my guest photographer. Nice shot Trelle and thanks for offering me the use of your camera that night and for sharing with my readers.
As an added treat, Leon Redbone, a fav of mine has a song for you right here.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
An Evening at Oak Hill
Stuart has some great volunteers that don period costumes. I liked this lady vanishing off down the lane.
Thursday evening I carefully packed the camera, the 300 mm lens, the @%$# tripod etc. for a much anticipated evening at Oak Hill Cemetery for the "Shoot the Moon" event. Historian Stuart Oates planned this great event. Oak Hill is Birmingham's oldest city cemetery and overlooks downtown Birmingham. I've been several times but not at night. I had former students and photography friends meeting me there, and I was very excited. Daughter Melissa and Eva tagged along and we got there around 5:30 so I could find the best spot. I got this shot and then............"replace battery pack". I had just changed it yesterday but ......well......sometimes that happens. I didn't get any moon shots, but I had a great time scoping out good views and angles for my friends. (it fulfilled my need to be bossy). I'm hoping some of them will share their work and be my guest photographers. Lesson learned for the teacher.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Like a Fish Out of Water

Deer season is a biggie in Alabama*
I have more photos . Just wait.
* Before anyone gets all distressed about deer hunting, even I know that the deer population is out of control here as it is in many parts of the country. The deer season doesn't begin to control it. End of discussion.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
the fabric of our lives here in Alabama, for a very, very long time. Cotton has historically been a major crop for our state. By August it's ready to pick. Many times I've wanted to stop when I'm traveling outside of Birmingham and wander in the cotton fields and take photographs. It's really beautiful, but a little hard to get to. I settled for something easier yesterday at The Hen House in English Village. They had some nice branches in their window. Problem solved!
Brattcat commented that it looked like snow. Well click here to see some "winter cotton" from a previous post.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
View From Railroad Park
Looking north from Birmingham's new Railroad Park, a view of the trains and the dome of the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Swing Me Daddy!
Yesterday I took a walk around Birmngham's newest urban park, Railroad Park. Located just south of Birmingham's downtown, it is 18 acres of greenspace, overlooking the railroad tracks that run just north of it. It is a welcome addition to our downtown area that needs it so very much. Today, the children's playground with its nice recycled surface. More to come.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
FLower Bed
Did you really think I could pass us that title? Of course not. Charlie Thigpen is improving the real estate all around his garden shop, Garden Gallery at the Pepper Place every time I'm down there. Isn't this clever!
Friday, September 17, 2010
100+ Strangers Challenge - Putting a Name With a Face

Stranger #105
Fast foward to last Saturday's Art Walk 2010 downtown. I found some amazing artwork made from found objects and just guess who the artist was? Yes, Joe Minter. I introduced myself and told him I knew who he was and had been all over his yard. ( I also thanked him for not having us both arrested for trespassing!!!) He was delighted. I was so mesmerized by what he shared about his art, and what led him to create it, that I forgot to ask about the stick in his hand. I'm going to call it Joe's "Talking Stick". Joe Minter, Stranger # 105 , now a new friend.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
In the Artist's Studio
A few weeks ago I posted some photographs of Birmingham sculptor Frank Fleming here. I promised you many more, so today we take a trip to Frank's studio. Frank is known for his large metal pieces often depicting flora and/or fauna , so I was shocked to see that he works in a small room in his home. I was fascinated by his work table where he crafts his wax molds. The first ( well maybe the second?) step in the creative process. Next time, some of his finished work!
UPDATE: I have chatted with Frank recently and he tells me that is a turtle shell that he is using for a mold.

And earlier post featuring his wonderful fountain in Five Points is here.
Wax molds of his famous figs!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Shoe Shine, One Dollar

Bon Ton Hatters has been in business since 1907. Today it's the only shop in Birmingham where you can have a hat cleaned or reshaped. They also offer shoe repairs in the back and for a buck, you can have your shoes shined right here. I took this photo through the windown when they were closed, but I've posted photographs here .
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Smoke Stacks?

It's been many, many years (39 to be exact) since these old stacks at Sloss Furnaces were smoking but last week the clouds made it look like they were back in business!
For my faithful blog friends that are following the adventures of my new kitty Meeps. Click here to see how she got her name and how my precious blog friend and artist, Shell Sherree has made her famous.
Bises dear Shell!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Computer Innards
I was at Technical Knock Out a while back. They disassemble every part of a computer to be recycled, right here in the USA. This box of heat sinks caught my eye. Made of copper and aluminum , they keep a computer cool. Once demanufactured , the metal will be melted down and used again. Last year, TKO recycled over 169 TONS of metal alone. Their total recycling of all components reached 1, 720,000 pounds last week. This is Alabama's leading electronic recyler!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Those were the good ole days! We've been to On a Shoestring , in Bluff Park before. We'll be back again. A wonderful place in Birmingham to revisit days gone by.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
New Baby at My House
Today a blog break. There's a new little someone in my house today. Yesterday I rescued a sweet black kitten that I've named Meeps. (Thanks to my dear Shell Sherree for the name). This little kitty was rescued from behind a Winn Dixie and now she's landed in a really good place (thanks to daughter Melissa who saw her on Facebook). I've never been a "cat person"......I guess now I am!
Friday, September 10, 2010

This amazing piece was made by some very creative Art Camp students this summer at the Birmingham Museum of Art. Isn't she wonderful??
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Don't Fly Away!
Last Saturday, my friend Charlie Thigpen helped me chase this guy all over the garden at his fabulous shop, Garden Gallery at the Pepper Place. I finally caught him resting on this lovely purple flower.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Turn the Knob...
if you dare. An alley, downtown Birmingham.
From Snapshots to Photographs
I will be beginning a new series of 5 Monday evening classes in the Birmingham area for amateur photographers that want to learn to take better photographs and have a lot of fun doing it! Contact me. virgjones at
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer

Technically, the "dog days of summer" are the hottest days from July to early September. Well down here in Birmingham, we can drag that out for another month at least! This "lady" is enjoying a cocktail, while cooling off at Sweet Peas Garden Center in Homewood!
Ken Mac, this one's for you!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
100 + Strangers Challenge - Yes Ma'am, It's All Homegrown
Stranger # 104
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September Theme Day - Open Air Markets

Today is the first of the month and you know what that means..........CITY DAILY PHOTO THEME DAY! !!! Hooray for this month's theme - open air markets! You can imagine that this month I didn't even break a sweat trying to come up with a photo!
Around the world CDP bloggers are sharing the open air markets in their cities. I can't wait to visit them all. I hope you will too!
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