Those of you from a certain era ( I know who you are!) will remember the Ice O Mat. My grandmother ( Nanny) in North Little Rock, Arkansas had one. I loved me some crushed ice with a Coca Cola poured over it. Still do. This vintage ice crusher "turned my crank" as
Wayne would say. I thought $18 was a little steep, but now I see that you can pay as much as $46 for one on
Etsy! If you live in the Birmingham area, visit
What's On 2nd? ( on Second Ave. of course) and plan to spend an hour or more poking around their 3 floors of memorabilia and "nostalgia items". It is well worth the trip.
Well here you go...... a tune for you today :)
I will be starting another 5 week series of photography classes, here in Birmingham, on
Monday, July 26 from 1-3pm.
These classes are designed for amateur photographers that want to take better family and vacation photos. Contact me if you are interested.