A bow to my faithful viewer Judy who always emails as to what my grandkitty , Kittykins, is up to. Well after the "
Baby Cap Caper", we thought she had straightened up. That is if you don't count stalking Hanna Montana, the goldfish, and some ummm......bothersome "bathroom" habits. Apparently, there have been some antics going on behind our backs. I just happened to have my camera handy when she took out after Willie the pug a few days ago. I know what you're thinking. Why didn't he just fight back, walk off, snarl... something?? I have no answers. He just took it like a man I guess.

What are you looking at? I didn't do anything!!!!
Please visit my new blog
The Tune du Jour is Kittykins' theme song, "Crazy" by Patsy Cline
bravo pour tes modèles, j'aime beaucoup la première photo ;o). Et puis bravo pour ton français, tu es courageuse de prendre des cours de français, moi cela fait des années que je veux pendre des cours d'anglais mais j'ai jamais les temps ;o(
bravo for your models, I love the first picture o). And congratulations on your French, you are courageous to take French lessons, it makes me for years I want to hang English lessons but I never times ;o(
they are a matched pair - the color is so similar and with one passive/one agressive personality - voila - a complimentary pair.
I just adore the last photo - "so you've got something to say to me?" Hee-hee, what a character. V. your photos of them are great...always tough to get good photos of cats, I think.
He's biding his time. But as long as the claws are retracted, it's all good.
Bonjour, je suis heureux de pouvoir parler français sur ton blog.
Les deux animaux sont adorables
ello, I am happy to be able to speak French on your blog.
Both animals are adorable
Such beautiful animals, and such a naughty Kittykins!!! ;) (What a fantastic name for a cat, by the way). Your photos of them are lovely!
Cheer up Willy, I'm with you!
Adorable. I think Kittykins is a real tease. I prefer dogs, but I like some cats, and Kittykins appears to be one of them. Bibi and Willy share a serious underbite.
P.S. Had to laugh when you said "I just happened to have my camera handy..."
You devil! You always have it next to you, like I do...and I'm at school now, teaching. Comes in handy for misbehaving students, ha, ha.
Les animaux sont toujours un grand sujet
That cat scares the hell out of me with the one eyed stare. I'm with the pooch. I'm a dog trapped in a feline's body, but kitties do make wonderful photo ops.
Hilarious! You were lucky to capture the misdeed. Our cat always demands proof when she is accused. We never have it, so she's clearly innocent. :)
Beautiful pets.
Hi Mumsie,
These are great, poor Willie, so sweet and tolerant. Actually, Kittykins is pretty nice most of the time and guards her person (Eva) at night by sleeping above her head. She makes up for her bad behavior by being so pretty. She does look like a one eyed cat here, funny!
The cat will always win.
So cute!!! They really match the tones of your shots! :-)
How funny! Especially "the eye" What a shot!
What a fun cat to live with. The sweet little dog knows she won't really hurt him and is so tolerant.
Kittykins is so beautiful. Cats are like works of art.
oh, long-suffering Willy! If he ignores the irritating furry thing, maybe it will go away. Ha!
Kittykins is giving you the best stink-eye in that last shot. I live this series!
Bergson and Olivier,
Thanks for suffering through my feeble attempts. I am learning from trying to translate your remarks. Alice, bless her heart, is my patient teacher as well!
For all you cat lovers out there, yes Kittykins is a beautiful cat and puts up with a lot of snuggling and dragging around by her mistress.
Hee! I think somehow Willy enjoys this relationship. Maybe he needs to be dominated and pushed around a little every once in awhile.
Unfortunately, Willie does not stand a chance. He is also dominated by our female pug, Ivey!
Willy is an old soul. And he knew Kitty won't hurt him. At least he hopes so but hiding under the chair isn't such a bad idea.
Aha, well now that I know that she has both of her eyes I (pun intended) have a new perspective.
I was starting to feel really sorry for her (being all disfigured and such) - now I'm simply aghast at her unprovoked attack on poor Willy-Boy.
Pretty chair Melissa - great shots & captions Virg!
To funny, Kittykins is beautiful!
Love the last shot!!
Looks like the cat is giving us a wink
(Correct me here I think this is not proper English)
in French I would say
"Ce chat nous fait un clin d'oeil"
Willy is so cute! It is clear that his burdens are so heavy, and yet he holds his head up high. What a trooper. :)
M-N, Yes, your anglais is perfect
Yes, Willy is our little tropper. Takes a licking and keeps on licking!
Thank you all for your nice comments about Kittykins and Willy. HE is pretty oblivious to her shinanigans!
Fantastic! I love these, the last photo especially! Is the kitten a Ragdoll? They are so cute. I want one!
Albert now refuses to pose for me and wants you to shoot him (in the figurative sense).
I abstain from animal cuteness pictures but I have to admit that the one on the lower left, where the cat appears to be blinking, is pretty funny.
I knew this post would be like cat scratching on a chalkboard for you but thanks for being a team player.
Albert needs to come spend some time in the south avec moi! I will do him right , take some nice portraits and give him plenty of rib bones to gnaw. When's he comin??
Seal point HImalayan.
You've seen the whole cast of characters. Lord!
What an amazing photo story. That cat is so pretty I'd forgive him anything. I'm not so sure Willy will though.
I am knitting a scarf now. I have to hide it from Kittykins because of her yarn fetish. I could not find it and tore up my house looking for it this morning. She gives up her aloof cat behavior when I am knitting and cozies up to me just to be close to my yarn, cute but a little crazy.
Dirty Bastard Cat.
Ha! I hope the cat learns to play nicely!
HAHAhahAHA! Love it!
Absolutely love it! Poor doggie!
The last photo really makes me laugh.
Great shots. Hope Willy's alright. He looks like he's really very good natured.
No D.C., it is the Dirty Bitch Cat!
L.C., who visits your post with me every night, was so taken by this that it left us speechless - you see Kittykins is his new, secret love. Not sure he has the disposition for her 'tho. A very late thank you for this.
Love these shots!!! They tell such a sweet story! Willie will be missed!!!
My dog Daisy, a BIG Golden Retriever, knows she's at the bottom of the household hierarchy and it's the cats who rule the roost...must be the sign of a smart and lovely dog!!!
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