"Old Blue"
You may have read my
post where I confessed my love for a gorgeous , shiny, cherry red pickup in my neighborhood ( see below). Well today, I present another option. Meet "Old Blue". Ironically enough, Old Blue lives on the very same street! I think he has some nice qualities, if you're into rust and blue tarp. He might have, as we say in the south, "laid down " on the owner. I'm not sure, but it looks that way since he hasn't moved in many months! There must be a comparison to be made. Let me make it, please. If this shiny red pickup is a major "
Heartthrob" , then Old Blue is most certainly the "
Ex Husband " of pickups. That's all I have to say.
"Heart Throb"
The Tune du Jour is " To All the Girls I've Loved Before"
by Willie Nelson
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j'aime beaucoup la première, on sent bien la craquelure de la rouille.
I like the first, we feel the crack of rust.
You've got great shots of "old blue" but my heart is along yours with the red "heart throb".
The old cars do render a feeling of nostalgic in these shots
HT goes to the salon to have his running boards straightened and his suspension stiffened. OB is up for a quick fling through the underbrush without worrying about the air in his tyres.
Old Blue is just waiting on someone to lovingly restore him to original condition like Heart Throb. I bet he's someone's "Get around to it" project.
Poor Ol' Blue. He's just a truck waiting to be loved like Cherry Red. Someone needs to come along and resurrect his spirit and return him to his days of glory as Blue Lightning!
The title came on my screen before the photo, and I thought at first Old Blue was a coon hound....but I too have a love for an old, beat-up car, and wish I had my fist one...
Somehow I don't think that's all you have to say. Does the ex have crumbled Del Taco bags on the floor?
You all missed the point, except maybe Altadena Hiker. I am LOL! Poor Old Blue, my foot!
This might be your funniest post ever! I have a thing for all things rustic (heavy emphasis on the rust) but, I'm with you, Cherry has my heart.
I remember a certain FB wine which comes to mind after reading the text.
Hey V - I am with Altadena Hiker...I think YOU'VE got LOTS MORE to say.......and I've never known YOU to be at a loss for words. You know Heart Throb has my vote - after my Dad's red Ford pickup. Wish I had it today....it's like the one we see here in the Stater Bros. ad. Don't know if you get that or not. It's a beauty.
For my friends in the know, merci beaucoup.
FB was made for occasions such as these.
Now, Virginia, you don't live on one of those Southern streets where most of the neighbors have derelict pickups decaying in the yard, do you? (We have plenty of them here, too.) Old Blue may fit the profile. Of course, the other one doesn't. These are all good detail images about the character of the trucks. And here we are, thinking about buying a Prius.
Oh Bob , my neighborhood is just a mighty fine mix of all kinds of interesting folks. You would love it my friend. The trucks?? Well that's another story. Come on down and experience it. I've NEVER been a truckaholic until now. Whoo eeee! V
Ah yes, good 'ole Blue, the sort of chap you'd enjoy sharing an ice cold beer with. He's low maintenance. Noiw take that flashy Heartthrob; now there's a guy who defines high maintenance. Always needing a wash and wax job. Armorall on the tires and vacuuming the interior constantly. Oh, he's a looker for sure. But I'd be terrified of leaving him in parking lots to become victimized by door dings or hail.
Also, get him in out of the rain to avoid waterspots. Fun to look at, but I'm thinking Big Red is all form over function. Old blue, on the otherhand, you can load him up with all kinds of tasks. He just keeps on working hard.
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