at the garden shop. Oak Street Garden Shop. These flats of fresh green grass were for sale yesterday. I'm not sure what exactly I'd do with them. Maybe I'll go back and ask Billy on Monday. ( I think it's a "spring thing"!)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Grass is Always Greener
at the garden shop. Oak Street Garden Shop. These flats of fresh green grass were for sale yesterday. I'm not sure what exactly I'd do with them. Maybe I'll go back and ask Billy on Monday. ( I think it's a "spring thing"!)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
O Canada!

Totem Pole
Reg Davidson - Haida people
I needed to get this posted before the USA Hockey Team wins the gold tomorrow!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
All In Favor....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Eternal Light

The Ner Tamid, eternal light
I would like to thank Rabbi Miller and Lynne for sharing this special place of worship with me and to the friendly staff and volunteers that made me feel so at home. I have many photographs to share with you all.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Glass Act
For my Birmingham readers, I will be teaching another photography workshop starting in March.
From Snapshots to Photographs
Visit my website for details
Monday, February 22, 2010
My Pal Riley
If you're thinking I've got a new pup, sadly no. This is my buddy Riley. His humans are Jan and Mike Dulin. Riley goes to the recording studio with Mike most days, so when I show up for work ( I use that term loosely) I'm greeted with much barking and tail thumping and the occasional slobber! I wish I thought he just loved me to pieces, but I suspect it's the dog treats I bring him. (Don't tell Mike, Riley's suppose to be on some silly diet.) Well today Jan Dulin is my guest photographer. She took this during our last snow. I think it's just great, thanks Jan! If you want to see more snow photos of Riley and fam, check out Mike's blog.
Jan's not the only one to give me the day off. On of my photography students, Marty Lange, has graciously shared this wonderful photograph. The old office building at the Watkins Brick Company in Ensley.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
China Dolls

the Chinese New Year Festival at the Boutwell
Auditorium on Saturday. They were posing for
many other photographers so I just knelt down and
took advantage!
(Nobody asked me, but I wouldn't have posed
them facing the sun!!)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
A Much Needed Burst of Color
These fibrant flowers by glass artist Dale Chihuly seem to explode from the walls of the Birmingham Museum of Art. A welcome sight when everything outside is still brown and bare.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Snow Capped II
As many of you know, I am presently teaching a photography class. I pleased to be featuring some of my talented students' work right here. Today, Tom Cronier's grand view of the historic Alabama Theatre in the midst of last week's snowstorm. Tom is an terrific volunteer at the Alabama, so he didn't mind a bit braving the cold for this shot! ( He also thought it would earn him some brownie points with the did! )
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hope for Spring
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, for Christians around the world. As I was leaving the Service of Communion at my church, I spotted a few Lenten Roses that had started blooming, despite the cold and snow we've had in recent weeks. What a wonderful reminder that spring is on its way. (I apologize to the pansies I stepped all over trying to get a few shots!)
Ash Wednesday,
B-Metro Magazine,
Lenten Roses
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ice Fountain

I spotted this gorgeous icy fountain yesterday on Highland Avenue. It was still frozen, although it was beginning to drip at the very bottom. My lucky day I think. Maybe winter isn't all that bad!
Birmingham weather,
Winter in Birmingham
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Anticipation - Mercedes Kids Marathon

This past weekend you could find dedicated runners trekking up and down the hills all over Birmingham. The annual Mercedes Marathon is a wonderful event, and everyone in town turns out to cheer on the runners. Click here for the story behind this race. It will warm your heart.
The grownups aren't the only ones who get to participate. On Saturday morning, despite low temps and snow still on the ground, thousands of youngsters from all over the city, and other places as well, ran a 1 mile race. Previously they had all run a total of 25 miles over a 5 month program, and this was the last leg of their marathon. Two of my granddaughters, Lindley and Chappell participated this year. Mom Kathleen, who works for the Trak Shak, one of the sponsors, ran with Chappell and on Sunday, she was also part of a relay team for the Bell Center. Hooray for Team Lawrence!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Big Love

Many of you know that I have had a not so secret love affair with a neighbor' truck for some time. I bared my soul about the whole thing here. Since then, he's been parked down the driveway, and I've had to admire him from afar. Sigh! Well on Friday during the snow, I drove by, wistfully glanced his way, and there he was, lightly dusted with snow. What did I do you ask? Well I pulled over, jumped out and marched right down the driveway, that's what! Looking even better with snow on his * fender!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
* Merci to my technical advisor Wayne, who assured me that "the humpy thing over the tire" was a fender,not a bumper.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Another Magical Snowfall
Friday, February 12, 2010
BADP Update - Baby, It's Cold Outside
This morning around 11:00am I went out in the car and it looked like this on
Highland Golf Course.
Now it's about 2:45 pm and it looks like this around my home~
And this
And this
became this, very quickly!
Up On The Roof

Forgive me for the corny title. Sometimes I just can't help myself. Yesterday I was in 5 Points South to meet friends for lunch. I grabbed my camera for a quick walkabout. I spotted these workers high atop Highland United Methodist Church. I have just a titch of acrophobia so I was pretty fascinated that anyone would work up there perched on those slippery tiles. This worker spotted me so I waved. He waved right back. You'll be happy to know that they were tethered in some fashion. Risky business regardless.
If you're humming Up On the Roof, here's the Drifters to sing it with you!
Please excuse the wonky angle in the top photo. I straightened it all I could. I don't know what I was doing, and this was BEFORE my wine with lunch!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Heavy Metal - Michael Bonadio
And my I send a sincere thank you to my faithful blog reader, Beverly and her husband, who recognized me and were so nice to come and say hello yesterday at the Cantina. How wonderful to meet you and put names and faces together!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Shhh, No Roaring in the Museum!
Earlier this week, I posted two photographs of my granddaughter Eva riding the carousel in Tuileries in 2007 on Paris Through My Lens. My dear blog friend Shell Sherree created a delightful watercolor of one of the photos, so I posted the orginals.
Imagine my surprise when I did my volunteer work at the Birmingham Museum of Art on Tuesday and found this majestic carousel horse on display. Made by the famous Gustav Dentzel in 1909, it is carved polychromed wood with a glass eye. It is on loan to the museum by Jimmy and Carol Filler. I composed the photo so that you could also enjoy the BMA's magnificent Bierstadt, "Looking Down Yosemite Valley".
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It's Not Easy Being Green
Actually I have a very special reason for posting this vintage car today. On Thursday I will be going back to Ted's Garage for a fundraiser/auction for the Heart Gallery. The Heart Gallery asks photographers to take portraits for Alabama youngsters in foster care that want and need a loving family to open their arms and their hearts to them. I couldn't be more proud to donate some of my photographs for Fotos, Frames and Fun, to raise much needed funding for this wondeful agency. I have my fingers crossed that I'll be called on one day to take some of those portraits.
Monday, February 8, 2010

What would Birmingham do without wonderful places like Gateway Family and Child Services? Since 1891, Gateway has been helping Birmingham families in so many ways. Their mission statement says: " Gateway is preserving, strengthening, and enriching family life through quality services provided to families and individuals in need." As a teacher, I witnessed firsthand their tireless commitment to children and families. Now I feel privileged to be able to give back just a little. Again this year, I am donating some of my photographs for their fundraiser, Off The Wall on April 1, 2010. Please visit their website if you feel you can donate and for my Birmingham readers, I hope to see you at Off the Wall!
The top photo is one of the photographs I am planning to donate. I have had a little fun with it. ( Care to guess exactly what I did? )The bottom photo shows the actual building.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bank Chic?
There was a time, long ago, when the banks in downtown Birmingham were rather grand with their marble floors, soaring columns and interesting captitals like the old John Hand Building. Only a few remain and it sure isn't the First National/AmSouth/Regions building on 20th Street. It's all sleek and shiny and has this intersting chandelier, for want of a better term, by the elevators. I shot this a while back when I was down there getting my euros. Those grand old banks made you feel rich even when you weren't. This one, leaves me cold, and now that I think about it so did the euro/usd rate!
A very Happy Blog Birthday to our Jilly who is celebrating the 3rd Birthday for Monte Carlo DP AND Menton DP! Jilly, I've got my party dress on, and it's time for Peter to pour the champagne!
John Hand Building,
Menton DP,
Monte Carlo DP,
Regions Bank
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Birmingham Rouge VII - B Metro Magazine
Friday, February 5, 2010
Move in ready except the roof leaks. Take it up with the landlord.
Yesterday it rained, no poured. I spotted this little nest and fully intended for this to be one of my famous "drive by shootings", but unfortunately I had to get out of the car. Luckily my first shot worked, because I got drops all over the lens and the rest were toast.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Arches - The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrement
Another look at the beautiful arched walkway at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrement in Cullman. We've seen another view here.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
100 Strangers Challenge - The Peanut Depot
Stranger # 96
Strangers # 97 & 98
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Oh this happens all the time down here in the "Deep South". A few weeks ago we had over a week of below freezing temps. Then last week some really nice days, where a sweater or light jacket sufficed. This one always jumps the gun at the first hint of spring. I guess if this shrub were in a classroom, he/she'd be the ADHD kid and you'd be having a chat with his Momma about a little Ritalin. Well right now it's just blooming to beat the band. You know, we need some hope of spring around this place. How is it in your neck of the woods??
Monday, February 1, 2010
Theme Day - Wood
I found this photo in my archives. It's the well worn wooden steps leading to the dugout at Historic Rickwood Field, the oldest ballpark ( 100 years in August 2010!) in America. This one is for my friend Robert who's family founded Rickwood Field. There will be a terrific 100th birthday celebration this summer. I'll be there!
Today City Daily Photobloggers from around the world are putting their spin on the theme WOOD.
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